

Friday, July 19, 2024

Change Agents in Academia - Are They A Big Expensive Problem? Yes #DefundAcademia #DefundUniversities

 With thanks to Dana Landry at Safe Water Halifax on Facebook...

"Concerns over legal spending ‘disingenuous’

Education Minister Bill Hogan has long criticized the DEC for its spending on the Policy 713 case. In December last year, Hogan denied the DEC’s request for funding to cover legal fees for its case against the province, going so far as to change the department’s policy on how DECs can access funding to cover legal fees. In a letter on July 8, Hogan says that just over $400,000 in legal fees were “misappropriated” and “wasted” by the Anglophone East DEC."


Councillor says elected DECs help keep party politics out of education, defends legal spending » CHMA, Voice of the Marshes (

More here on 'change agent' Kristin... from "Safe Schools New Brunswick":

Safe Schools New Brunswick Est. 2011: Kristin Cavoukian - Change Agent - Anglophone East - and Mount Allison University's Meddler Minions (

Green man photographed June 2010 at St. Michael's Mount Cornwall by Indie Media Eastcoast 

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