

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Tori Weldon & Erica Butler on Twitter - Reporters with CHMA FM Mount Allison University

 Photography by Indie Media Eastcoast in #Tantramarshire 

Reached out to Erica Butler to request she cover this new venue project on the local CHMA FM.

Erica Butler came here from Halifax Nova Scotia in 2020 and worked previously with Halifax Examiner .. website:  Home - Halifax Examiner

Reporting in Tantramar at this link on sports and spending and more...

Friday on Tantramar Report: 7th death at the Drew; Mt A takes number two; Tori Weldon talks favourite Sackville stories » CHMA, Voice of the Marshes (

Former CBC Journalist and local Tori Weldon has returned to CHMA FM at Mount Allison University.  Why has neither of these women [both are mothers] reported on our skatepark project yet?

Neither have approached me about the skatepark project idea which is unfortunate... and hopefully they do report as I understand that Tori has skateboardin' children.  Bruce Wark has also failed to cover this project at his popular

Mayor Andrew Black has also not advanced this project or even discussed it despite my direct in person request that get he get work on this project.

Known around the town as "low class unimportant troublemaker" according to long-time Town Councillor Bruce Phinney.  This is most likely due to activism here since my arrival in town October 2010 and efforts as a school safety advocate .. so is this an accurate label of me? No.  Its a slur.

My actual beef however is less with reporters and journalists and more with the local politicians and town hall staffers who are paid good money to work for us but appear to do nothing in the way of real projects. I would like them to take action and get this project undertaken.

As it happens, one of Tori's CBC New Brunswick stories included covering local Alex Thomas and his treehouse and playground in the woods on the family-owned-property in 2017.  Alex Thomas jumped onto a Zoom call with others talking about the importance of a skatepark for the local youth during the "coviet scamdemic" with then-Mayor John Higham who had agreed with him that this project idea was important at that time [but since then neither of these men have made a peep about a new venue project here.. not surprisingly.]  I don't think there is anyone on Town Council who cares these days about the youth who skateboard.. they are all too old & out-of-touch.  Perhaps its time to hire Town Hall staffers with "can-do" mind-sets?

As a side note... 
both Tori Weldon and Erica Butler have "blocked" me on Twitter... 
and so does the "TantramarNB" Town Hall account.
Not very helpful.. is it?

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