

Friday, June 28, 2024

Ponds Unlimited with Big Spenders of Tantramar - Are They Worth Their Big Paycheques?

 You can't help but notice all the spending on signs and banners to accentuate their new "branding" exercise paid for with many thousands of dollars.. was it necessary? Not really.. but they did it anyway.  

Why is the Town [under Kieran Miller's direction] giving large chunks of money to a "medical education foundation"? More here:

Special Council Meeting Town of Tantramar Funds a "Medical Education Foundation"? (

For years they claimed there is no money for a new concrete skatepark project venue for the youth but that's a lie.. there is lots of money and they continue to spend it freely.. such as wasting money on $10,000 black metal plant pots or bogus 'covid water testing' .. more here about Jon Eppell's 'pet project':

One more step needed to complete Sackville’s $13.8 million flood control project says town engineer | (

Ponds ponds and more ponds; they spend like drunken sailors in this town and its quite alarming!  The Town lacks leadership, vision and an ability to set good goals that are beneficial and achievable.. its a big problem with hired staff, management and the elected politicians -- all are very well paid but there is no return on investment at this point.. their salaries don't appear to be enough motivation for them to do great things here. Pity.  Read more here by Bruce Wark, local journalist:

One more step needed to complete Sackville’s $13.8 million flood control project says town engineer | (

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