

Friday, June 7, 2024

June is Niki Raapana Awareness Month - Study Communitarianism


Communitarians Carol Saab & Mike Savage..

and Prince Justin.. the "all talk and no action" folks.

More here from Frank Stronach, National Post:

"Frank Stronach: The rest of the world is leaving Canada in the dust" - The rest of the world is leaving Canada in the dust | National Post

"Another reason is that we’ve forgotten that in today’s global economy, we’re engaged in economic warfare with countries that are hungrier and shrewder than we are. These countries have well-developed economic strategies to make their major businesses dominant global players in key industries like pharmaceuticals, airlines and automotive. These more aggressive competitors are taking jobs from Canadians and crushing our industries one by one.

The best example of a country with this sort of strategic approach is China, the world’s newest industrial giant.

I’ve always been a big believer that a company should locate a portion of its manufacturing operations in the various markets where its products are sold. But many western companies are only manufacturing in China so they can ship products back into their home markets, in order to make higher profits. In the process, they’re eroding the economy of the countries where they’re headquartered. It’s a formula for national economic suicide."

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