

Sunday, May 19, 2024

What's Not To Love About Life in Tantramar?

 My only complaint about the people in Sackville is the constant fear-mongering about climate.  Its completely unhinged and it seems a cult of greens run the government here... this needs to change.  Education of the folks in Town Hall would be a good start to fixing this problem which is interferring with setting goals and good priorities here.

Tell us about your favourite things in our town?

Great nature trails, walk friendly neighbourhoods, surrounded by natural marshlands and beauty... and a very relaxed culture of friendly locals .. so much pretty scenery with attractive architecture - lots of historic homes still standing here in Sackville New Brunswick - our town's story goes back to the 1760s!  Sackville New Brunswick is a great Canadian small town.

Great Skate Parks Make Great Towns!


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