

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Parks and Rec Matt Pryde is a Problematic Town Hall Staffer And He's Not The Only One

 Why combine two completely separate sports into one small space? Skaters and Bikes? Silliness...

Why Does the Town Hall Staffer Matt Pryde Have A Problem with the Titans Hockey Team Getting Discounted Ice Time ?

I've been concerned about the arrogant, cocky nature of this employee Matt Pryde for many years.. and he has done a number of questionable things during his course of employment with the Town of Sackville including but not limited to suggesting staff take down all the beloved framed pictures / artwork for the past honourees that are located upstairs in the Veterans Memorial Civic Centre Ice Arena [which he now claims to be the manager of] and replacing them with some small engraved names on a plaque to save space.  Matt Pryde also seems to have very little regard for the skateboarding youth and their culture of play and enjoyment in our town.  Matt Pryde laughed at me when I spoke with him about this project many years ago in the Waterfowl Park.  Matt Pryde has also shown he has zero respect for the hard-working and accomplished Titans Hockey players at Tantramar Regional High School by denying them discounted ice time as youth athletes.  Matt Pryde's disobediance and passive-aggressive insolence when instructed specifically by numerous Town Councillors in a public forum to give the discount rate ice time to the Titans Hockey teams was duly noted as well [oddly enough Pryde's bad behaviour was backed up by Tantramar Mayor Andrew Black].  This sort of unacceptable defiance and abuse of his managerial position as a paid employee SHOULD warrant termination of Matt Pryde's employment by the Town.  There are as it stands far too many people doing far too little work on the Town's payroll.  This over-staffed culture is interferring with progress here.. it is a huge problem.  Organizing a chalk festival annually seems to be an achievement Matt Pryde mastered and that's weaksauce stuff... unless you're running a daycare centre.. are you running a daycare centre or are you aiming for something a little more impressive Matt?

If I were elected to Mayor of Tantramar things would change here... and it would truly be a 'new kind of small town' with less corruption.

Matt Pryde would be the first employee I would fire for just cause along with Kieran Miller and Ron Kelly Spurles.  These 'service workers' have all got an obvious attitude of entitlement & arrogance and are completely out-of-touch with reality.  In particular, Kieran Miller's obsession with the climate change crowd makes her practically useless for anything other than paying consultants to get reports and assessments done for their filing cabinets in the Town Hall Palace.  Embarrassing stuff Kieran... your "return on investment" [ROI] is not great -- in fact it is unimpressive.

Skateboards for sale at the local Barnyard Bicycle shop and repair centre made by Bucky Buckler.

The previously requested [in the summer of 2013] new concrete Skatepark Project is long overdue and the current collection of warm bodies aka very well paid staffers are so completely out-of-touch and incompetent when it comes to getting this Parks & Rec Venue Project built for the youth -- most youth have given up around here... I have not given up .. and will make sure that a new concrete skate park project is achieved as it will be a great addition to our town's assets and there is no excuse for the endless delays.  None.

Some ideas here:

Tantramar Landowners: Updated: TLA IDEAS for Fundraising a NEW concrete skatepark project for Tantramarshire! (

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