

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Who builds great skateparks? Newline Skateparks, Bill Gurney & Propour Concrete Services Inc.

Pictures were taken 2017
at Kentville Nova Scotia's Skatepark build with reps. from 
Kentville's town, as well as
Propour Concrete Services Inc. and New Line Skatepark's Bill Gurney..
we all had a very good chat about the culture of Sackville NB
and its weird priorities
 and just how unhelpful and lazy politicians are and
[had the same chat on the phone with Sandra Snow current Mayor there]
those working in Sackville's Town Hall  
when it comes to this great project getting done...
there is no shortage of money here.. they just hoard it....
 now in 2021 there are some
rumblings coming from the Town Hall 
but nothing really 'concrete' yet it seems..

stay tuned... perhaps we'll get some good news soon
from the vaxxed and masked minions there!

I had passed on one of these business cards from Bill years ago to Matt Pryde, Parks & Rec. at the Town Hall Palace who was happy to ignore me.

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