

Friday, October 1, 2021

Art of Postering and Promotions .... In a Town That Seems to Want to Censor ME!

 Postering, cards, notes, etc... art... it will all help us to raise awareness for this project... maybe you have some skills and want to design a poster for this project to let others know? Go for it... thanks.

Town Hall are well aware of this project
since 2013 when the youth made their
presentation in chambers...
why do the workers there ignore this idea?
You'll have to ask them.
They are very well paid and there are lots
of them who could easily handle this challenge.
Does the Management, Jamie Burke,
actively block this project? Yes.
Jamie works for the technocrats, not the people.

Fraud perpetrator Jamie Burke:  Wanted for his participation in the covid19 scamdemic.

Recycle, re-use, re-purpose-- be creative...
artivism makes a point without making a noise. - Global Breakthough Energy Movement - open source energy intelligence - All are welcome!  Planting seeds... since 2013

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